[Linuxptp-users] failed to adjust clock: Invalid argument and phc offset keep increasing
Kin Man
8 years ago
Hi :

I have compiled the Linux PTP project v 1.7 and compiled the ptp4l and
phc2sys apps. The ptp4l seems to work fine between the master (a Linux
machine) and slave (my Xilinx Zynq board), but the phcsys seems not to work
properly, as the phc offset keep increasing and it pop out the failed to
adjust the clock message.

When we used the Xilinx board as master and use the Linux machine as slave,
then phc2sys is fine. while we are trying to debug the problem, we noticed
the argument to the function clock_adjtime(clkid, &tx) seems to be the same
between the working and the non-working case, therefore, we are wondering
if something wrong with the clock_adjtime function. Any advice will be

***@test_build:/bin# phc2sys -s eth0 -m -O 0
phc2sys[10296.201]: phc offset -1500042785809783582 s0 freq +0
delay 660
phc2sys[10297.202]: failed to adjust the clock: Invalid argument
phc2sys[10297.202]: phc offset -1500042785809788390 s1 freq -4804
delay 663
phc2sys[10298.202]: failed to adjust the clock: Invalid argument
phc2sys[10298.202]: phc offset -4804 s2 freq -9608 delay 660
phc2sys[10299.203]: failed to adjust the clock: Invalid argument
phc2sys[10299.203]: phc offset -9609 s2 freq -15855 delay 660
phc2sys[10300.203]: failed to adjust the clock: Invalid argument
phc2sys[10300.203]: phc offset -14416 s2 freq -23544 delay 663
phc2sys[10301.203]: failed to adjust the clock: Invalid argument
phc2sys[10301.204]: phc offset -19221 s2 freq -32674 delay 666
phc2sys[10302.204]: failed to adjust the clock: Invalid argument
phc2sys[10302.204]: phc offset -24031 s2 freq -43250 delay 636
phc2sys[10303.204]: failed to adjust the clock: Invalid argument
phc2sys[10303.204]: phc offset -28828 s2 freq -55257 delay 660
^Cphc2sys[10303.681]: failed to adjust the clock: Invalid argument
phc2sys[10303.681]: phc offset -31119 s2 freq -66196 delay 663

